How to give yourself a fighting chance against stress

I know what it’s like to feel stressed all the time. The struggle to properly recuperate after a restless night of sleep, and then having to navigate through work and relationships like a zombie – it was pure hell. But fear not, because I have discovered some powerful tools that helped me during those difficult…


I know what it’s like to feel stressed all the time. The struggle to properly recuperate after a restless night of sleep, and then having to navigate through work and relationships like a zombie – it was pure hell. But fear not, because I have discovered some powerful tools that helped me during those difficult times, and they can do the same for you.


Magnesium, often hailed as a ‘miracle mineral’, plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical processes in the body, many of which directly impact brain function. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is quite common due to stress and inadequate nutrition, leading to symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, depression, and poor concentration. The good news is that restoring your magnesium levels can be a game-changer. Consider supplementing with either magnesium glycinate at a dosage of 600-800mg or using a transdermal chloride spray (keep in mind that it might cause itchiness initially). Remember, it may take time to see the full benefits, so be patient.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Another incredible tool for improving brain function and combating stress is medicinal mushrooms. These natural marvels have been utilized for thousands of years due to their cognitive benefits. Lion’s Mane, Reishi, and Chaga are specific types of medicinal mushrooms that can greatly support your nervous system. They offer brain-friendly properties that help repair brain cells, combat stress, and reduce neuroinflammation, which has been linked to anxiety and depression. Incorporating these medicinal mushrooms into your routine can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.


That’s all for today, but stay tuned for the final segment of this brain-boosting series, coming up on Monday. Take this weekend to reflect on these tools and consider implementing them into your daily routine. Remember, if you’re seeking a personalized approach to address your stress-related challenges without the unwanted side effects of medication, I invite you to apply for our limited spots in the July cohort. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to regain control over your stress and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier life.

Signing off,
