19 tips to extinguish your stress

In our pursuit of optimal well-being, stress management plays a vital role. Here are 19 practical tips to help you combat stress effectively.

The Power of Sunlight, Nutrition, and Sleep
Get Sun

Expose yourself to sunlight, especially in the morning, as it helps regulate your circadian rhythm and promotes a sense of well-being.

Eliminate Industrialized Seed Oils

Avoid oils like soybean, canola, and rapeseed, which can contribute to inflammation and stress on the body.

Prioritize Sleep

Go to bed earlier to ensure sufficient rest and rejuvenation for your body and mind.

Nature, Breakfast, and Stretching
Spend Time in Nature

Immersing yourself in natural surroundings can have a calming and grounding effect on your overall stress levels.

Fuel with Fat and Protein

Have a breakfast rich in healthy fats and protein to provide sustained energy throughout the day.


Focus on stretching your hip flexors, as they tend to hold a significant amount of tension in the body.

B Vitamins, Nasal Breathing, and Sleep Enhancers
Get Sufficient B Vitamins

Ensure your diet includes foods rich in B vitamins or consider supplementation, with a particular emphasis on vitamin B6.

Breathe through Your Nose

Practice breathing through your nose rather than your mouth, as it promotes relaxation and optimal oxygenation.

Enhance Sleep

Supplement with Glycine, Magnesium Glycinate, and L-Theanine to support restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Relaxing Music, Jaw Massage, and Natural Remedies
Listen to Relaxing Music

Choose music with 528 Hz Solfeggio frequencies, known for their calming and soothing effects.

Jaw Massage and Mouthpiece

Relieve tension by massaging your jaw and consider using a mouthpiece to prevent clenching during sleep.

Black Seed Oil

Use black seed oil during highly stressful moments, as it can have calming properties.

Support Estrogen Detox

Consider supplements such as DIM, I3C, and Calcium D Glucarate to assist with estrogen detoxification and hormone balance.

Goat Kefir, Exercise, and Organization
Incorporate Goat Kefir

Consume Goat Kefir, a probiotic-rich food, for its benefits in providing inositol, B vitamins, and gut health support.

Daily Exercise

Engage in regular physical activity, preferably before 6pm, to release tension and boost mood.

Organize with a To-Do List

Create a to-do list and organize your tasks to reduce overwhelm and improve productivity.

Plants, Herbal Teas, and Digital Detox
Surround Yourself with Plants

Increase the number of plants in your home as they contribute to improved air quality and create a calming environment.

Herbal Teas

Enjoy evening teas infused with Blue Lotus or Magnolia, known for their relaxation and stress-reducing properties.

Keep Your Workspace Phone-Free

Minimize distractions by keeping your phone away from your desk while working, promoting focused and stress-free productivity.

Supplements and the Complete Picture

As we conclude this article on stress management, it’s crucial to recognize that supplements are not a “scam” but a powerful tool when used.